Source and attract
HR-Tech platform
for search and control hiring process
for grows your business
Automated sourcing
TalentsToday helps you locate qualified candidates. TalentsToday offers sourcing tools, such as intelligent sourcing algorithms, employee referral programs and social media sourcing.
Сhrome assistant
Search platform + chrome assistant for search, transfert in you portal + automatically screening.
Candidate pool tracking tracking all candidates for each open role as well as their current status in the recruitment process. You can look at a dashboard and see which applications have not been reviewed, reviewed but declined, invited to take an assessment or at another stage of the hiring process quickly.
Automated sourcing and hiring
Catching - whatsapp and QR code
Whatsapp / Telegram Bot for mass recruiting for retail and HoReCa business.
Offline catcher QR scanning potential candidates. Automatically analyze and match talent pool.

Managing - Apply Tracking System and talent relationship management
Candidate pool tracking. tracking all candidates for each open role as well as their current status in the recruitment process. You can look at a dashboard and see which applications have not been reviewed, reviewed but declined, invited to take an assessment or at another stage of the hiring process quickly.

Matching - Smart Match and assist
Automated sourcing. TalentsToday helps you locate qualified candidates. TalentsToday offers sourcing tools, such as intelligent sourcing algorithms, employee referral programs and social media sourcing.

Sourcing - 50+ networks monitoring and search
Automated sourcing. TalentsToday helps you locate qualified candidates. TalentsToday offers sourcing tools, such as intelligent sourcing algorithms, employee referral programs and social media sourcing.

Analysis - deep analytics and dashboards
Build a data-driven hiring strategy - dashboards and deep analytics all stage hiring processes and activities team
Notifications - email and whatsapp
Boost coverage with potential candidates - email notifications per depending on the experience and specialization of candidates.

$99 per month
per user


$199 per month
per user


Catching - whatsapp and QR code
Try now
14 day trial period
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